Sun Microsystems Incorporated Appendix SPARCstation Specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPARC- SPARCstation SPARCstation-2 classic LX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction date Nov. 1992 Nov. 1992 Nov 1990 Packaging desktop desktop desktop Clock speed (MHz) 50 50 40 Processor MicroSPARC MicroSPARC SPARC # processors 1 1 1 SPECint92 26.4 26.4 21.8 SPECfp92 21.0 21.0 22.8 SPECrate_int92 626 626 517 SPECrate_fp92 498.1 498.1 541 Cache 6 KB 6 KB 64 KB Memory/MB (min/max) 16 - 96 16 - 96 32 - 128 Disk (max) in GB 207 MB - 424 MB - 424 - 22 GB (SCSI) 22 GB (SCSI) 20.8 GB (SCSI) Graphics Color Accel. color Mono, accel. (GX+) (GX, GX+, GS, GT) # slots 2 SBus 2 SBus 3 SBus Base price: $4,295 $7,995 $14,295 Base config: 16 MB RAM 16 MB RAM 32 MB RAM 15" color 16" color 19" mono 207 MB disk 424 MB disk 424 MB disk ISDN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPARCstation 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Model 20 Model 30 Model 41 Model 52 Model 54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Packaging desktop desktop desktop desktop desktop Availability now now now 2Q'93 3Q'93 Clock speed (MHz) 33 36 40 45 45 # processors 1 1 1 2 4 SPECint92 39.8 45.2 53.2 58.1/CPU 58.1/CPU SPECfp92 52.9 49.4 63.4 71.4/CPU 71.4/CPU Cache (KB) 36 36 36 36/CPU 36/CPU Ext. cache none none 1 MB 1 MB/CPU 1 MB/CPU Memory/MB (min/max) 32/512 32/51 32/512 64/512 64/512 Disk/GB (min/max) 424/41 GB 424/41 GB 424/41 GB 1GB/41 GB 1 GB/41 GB Graphics Grayscale, accelerated color(GX, GX+, GS, GT) # slots 4 SBus 4 SBus 4 SBus 4 SBus 4 SBus Base price: $16,495 $18,495 $24,995 $39,995 $57,995 Base config: 32 MB 32 MB 32 MB 64 MB 64 MB 19" GX 19" GX 19" GX 19" GX 19" GX grayscale grayscale grayscale color color 424 MB- 424 MB disk 1 GB disk 1 GB disk disk ISDN ISDN ISDN ISDN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: All the above SPARCstation products will include SunOS, ONC, OpenWindows V.3, DeskSet and OpenLook. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accelerated Graphics: GX 2-D and 3-D wireframe/flat shading, 8-bit planes GXplus 1280x1024, 2-D and 3-D wireframe/flat shading, 8-bit planes, double buffering GS 3-D solids, shading, Z-buffer, 24-bit planes, double buffering GT Same as GS, plus anti-aliasing, transparency, 5 times GS performance High-end options (VX and MVX) have been discontinued and the R&D, marketing, manufacturing and service rights were licensed to Vicom Systems Inc. in October 1991. Sun will receive royalties from sales and service income for these products. These products include: VX, MVX Visualization, programmable, 32-bit + 8-bit planes Monitor Options: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17" monochrome 1152x900 SPARCstation ELC, IPC, IPX 19" monochrome 1152x900 SPARCstation IPC, IPX, 2 15" color 1024x768 SPARCclassic only 16" color 1152x900 SPARCstation LX, 2, 10 model 30, 41 19" color 1152x900 SPARCstation IPC, IPX, 2, 10 model 30, 41, 52, 54 21" color 1280x1024 SPARCstation 2, 10 model 30, 41 (GT only) 19" grayscale 1152x900 SPARCstation 10 model 30, 41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note that aside from the 21" color monitor, all other monitors come with non-standard resolution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPARCserver Specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Models SPARCserver 630MP 670MP 690MP 2 Models 120, Models 120, Models 120, 140 140 140 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction date Nov 1990 Sep 1991 Sep 1991 Sep 1991 Packaging desktop deskside deskside datacenter Clock speed (MHz 40 40 40 40 # processors 1 2 or 4 2 or 4 2 or 4 SPECs 25 50.9 (2 cpu) 50.9 50.9 91 (4 cpu) 91 91 TPC-A (tps) 95.4 TPC-B (tps) 62.1 121.4 121.4 134.9 Cache 64 KB 64 KB/CPU 64 KB/CPU 64 KB/CPU Memory (min/max) 32/128MB 64/512 (ECC) 64/1GB(ECC) 128/1 GB (ECC) Disk (max) in GB 41 41 100 # slots 3 SBus 4 SBus 4 SBus 4 SBus 3 VME 7 VME 11 VME Max local terminals 26 50 130 130 Typical workgroup 10-50 15-75 25-100 50-150 size (clients) Base price: $ 5,000 120: $41,000 $60,000 $92,000 140: $56,200 $75,200 $102,000 Base config: 1 CPU 2 CPU 2 CPU 2 CPU 32 MB RAM 64 MB RAM 64 MB RAM 128 MB RAM 424 MB disk 1.3 GB disk 2.6 GB disk 5.2 GB disk CD-ROM CD-ROM CD-ROM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New SPARCserver products using the SuperSPARC (Viking processors) were announced on May 19, 1992. These includes new models for the 630MP, 670MP and 690MP systems. The announcement also introduced a new SPARCserver 10 product. The specifications are as follows: SPARCserver 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPARCclassic Model 30 Model 41 Model 52 Model 54 Server ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Packaging desktop desktop desktop desktop desktop Availability now now now 2Q'93 3Q'93 Clock speed (MHz) 50(MSPARC) 36 40 45 45 # processors 1 1 1 2 4 SPECint92 26.4 44.2 52.6 58.1/CPU 58.1/CPU SPECfp92 21.0 52.9 64.7 71.4/CPU 71.4/CPU SPECrate_int92 626.2 1072.1 1263.0 2812 5624 SPECrate_fp92 498.1 1171.1 1503.0 3346 6692 Estimated NFS none 700+ 800+ none none Estimated tps none 100 120 180 220 Cache 6 KB 36 KB 1 MB/CPU 1 MB/CPU 1 MB/CPU on chip Memory/MB (min/max) 8-96 32 - 512 32 - 512 32 - 512 32 - 512 Disk (max) 22 GB 41 GB 41 GB 41 GB 41 GB # slots 2 SBus 4 SBus 4 SBus 4 SBus 4 SBus Max local terminals 50 200 200 200 200 Base price: $5,295 $16,995 $23,495 $37,295 $55,295 Base config: 1 CPU 1 CPU 1 CPU 2 CPU 4 CPU 16 MB 32 MB 32 MB 64 MB 64 MB 1 GB 424 GB 424 MB 2 GB 2 GB disk disk disk disk ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For the new models of the 600MP systems, the new SuperSPARC processors will be used in varying quantities of multiprocessor configurations. The memory and disk capacity, local terminal connectivity, workgroup size and number of I/O slots will remain the same as the existing 600MP models. The specifications are: SPARCserver 630MP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Model 41 Model 52 Model 54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Packaging deskside deskside deskside Availability now 2Q'93 3Q'93 Clock speed (MHz) 40 45 45 # processors 1 2 4 Main memory 64-512 MB 64-512 MB 64-512 MB Disk capacity 41 GB 41 GB 41 GB Slots 4 SBus + 4 SBus + 4 SBus + 3 VMEBus 3 VMEBus 3 VMEBus SPECint92 52.6 58.1/CPU 58.1/CPU SPECfp92 64.7 71.4/CPU 71.4/CPU SPECrate_int92 1263.0 2812 5624 SPECrate_fp92 1503.0 3346 6692 Estimated NFS 800+ n/a n/a opertions/second Estimated tps 120 180 220 Cache 1 MB/CPU 1 MB/CPU 1 MB/CPU Base price: $47,000 $60,500 $78,500 Base config: 1 CPU 2 CPU 4 CPU 64 MB 128 MB 128 MB 1.3 GB disk 1.3 GB disk 1.3 GB disk CD-ROM CD-ROM CD-ROM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPARCserver 670MP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Model 41 Model 52 Model 54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Packaging deskside deskside deskside Availability now 2Q'93 3Q'93 Clock speed (MHz) 40 45 45 # processors 1 2 4 Main memory 64 MB-1 GB 64 MB-1 GB 64 MB-1 GB Disk capacity 41 GB 41 GB 41 GB Slots 4 SBus + 4 SBus + 4 SBus + 7 VMEBus 7 VMEBus 7 VMEBus SPECint92 52.6 58.1/CPU 58.1/CPU SPECfp92 64.7 71.4/CPU 71.4/CPU SPECrate_int92 1263.0 2812 5624 SPECrate_fp92 1503.0 3346 6692 Estimated NFS 800+ n/a n/a opertions/second Estimated tps 120 180 220 Cache 1 MB/CPU 1 MB/CPU 1 MB/CPU Base price: $56,000 $69,500 $91,500 Base config: 1 CPU 2 CPU 4 CPU 64 MB 128 MB 128 MB 1.3 GB disk 1.3 GB disk 1.3 GB disk CD-ROM CD-ROM CD-ROM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPARCserver 690MP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Model 41 Model 52 Model 54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Availability now 2Q'93 3Q'93 Clock speed (MHz) 40 45 45 # processors 1 2 4 Main memory 64 MB-1 GB 64 MB-1 GB 64 MB-1 GB Disk capacity 52 GB (IPI)/ 52 GB (IPI)/ 52 GB (IPI)/ 100 GB (SCSI) 100 GB (SCSI 100 GB (SCSI) Slots 4 SBus + 4 SBus + 4 SBus + 11 VMEBus 11 VMEBus 11 VMEBus SPECint92 52.6 58.1/CPU 58.1/CPU SPECfp92 64.7 71.4/CPU 71.4/CPU SPECrate_int92 1263.0 2812 5624 SPECrate_fp92 1503.0 3346 6692 Estimated NFS 800+ n/a n/a opertions/second Estimated tps 130 200 250 Cache 1 MB/CPU 1 MB/CPU 1 MB/CPU Base price: $76,000 $101,500 $119,500 Base config: 1 CPU 2 CPU 4 CPU 64 MB 128 MB 128 MB 4.2 GB disk 8.4 GB disk 8.4 GB disk CD-ROM CD-ROM CD-ROM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPARCcenter 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Availability Apr., 1993 Clock speed (MHz) 40MHz # processors 2 - 8 (4/93) 2 - 16 (2H93) 2 - 20 (1H94) Main memory 64 MB-2 GB (8-way) 64 MB-4 GB (16-way) 64 MB-5 GB (20-way) Disk capacity 138 GB (8-way) 340 GB (16-way) 1 TB (20-way) I/O slots 16 Sbus (8-way) 40 Sbus (16-way) 40 Sbus (20-way) SPECint92 52.6 SPECfp92 64.7 SPECrate_int92 8,047 SPECrate_fp92 10,600 Estimated NFS opertions/second n/a Estimated tps 500 (8-way) Cache 1 MB/CPU Base price: $95,000 Base config: 2 CPU 64 MB 4.2 GB disk ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Price/performance comparisons The following audited benchmarks have been published by Sun: TPC-A benchmark: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Model Database Total cost tps-A $/tps-A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 690MP Oracle7 $1,352,119 107.28 $12,604 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Compare these to HP's published benchmarks for TPC-A (as of October 1992): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Model Database Total Cost tps-A $/tps-A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9000/807 Informix 4.0 $ 328,272 30.40 $10,798 9000/817 Informix 4.0 439,032 51.20 8,563 9000/827 Informix 4.0 492,368 51.80 9,496 9000/837 Informix 4.0 572,416 60.00 9,526 9000/847 Informix 4.0 592,595 60.10 9,852 9000/847 c/s Informix 5.0 808,538 88.10 9,177 9000/857 Informix 4.0 615,788 60.10 10,238 9000/857 c/s Informix 5.0 831,734 88.10 9,440 9000/867 Informix 4.0 893,928 74.90 11,930 9000/867 c/s Sybase V4.9.1 919,995 110.50 8,323 9000/877 Informix 4.0 909,428 74.90 12,124 9000/877 c/s Sybase V4.9.1 908,428 110.50 8,472 9000/897 c/s Oracle 7 ---- 184.50 10,737 9000/870-100 Informix 4.1 1,568,748 74.50 21,057 9000/870-200 Informix 4.1 1,967,803 111.16 17,783 9000/870-400 Informix 4.1 2,748,301 173.20 15,868 9000/890-4 c/s Oracle 7 6,708,041 578.00 11,606 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The estimated transaction per second for the rest of the 890 family are as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Model tps ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9000/890 1 160 (host) 9000/890 2 270 (host) 9000/890 3 400 (host) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cost of ownership comparisons For comparisons with desktop, deskside and graphics workstations, see your Series 700 Sales Kit. HP 9000 Series 800 v/s SPARCserver (with same day or "Priority" support): The system choices are based on user workload characterization as described in Sun's product literature. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16-User system: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ List List Same Day F10 $11,250 SPARCserver-10/30 $16,995 $ 70 16 MB RAM incl. 32 MB RAM incl. n/c 566 MB disk incl. 424 MB disk incl. n/c 2 GB DAT incl. 5 GB DAT 4,200 80 16-user license 3,150 20-user license 1,200 n/c _________ ______ _________ ________ Total Cost $14,400 Total Cost $22,395 $ 150 3-year support $8,030 3-year support $5,400 3-year C.O.O $22,430 3-year C.O.O $27,795 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 128-user system: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G30 $20,000 SPARCserver 630/41 $47,000 $ 350 96 MB RAM 6,400 128 MB RAM 5,200 n/c 2.0 GB disk 4,700 2.1 GB disk 4,400 n/c 2 GB DAT incl. 5.0 GB DAT 4,200 65 128-user license 17,875 Unlimited license 2,000 n/c _________ _______ _________ ________ Total Cost $48,975 Total Cost $62,800 3-year support $17,047 3-year support $14,940 3-year C.O.O $66,022 3-year C.O.O $83,860 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 256-user system: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ H50 $72,000 SPARCserver 690/54$119,500 $840 256 MB RAM 19,200 256 MB RAM 10,400 n/c 5 GB disk 13,800 8.4 GB disk incl. n/c 2 GB DAT incl. 5.0 GB DAT incl. n/c 256 user license 22,075 Unlimited license 2,000 n/c __________ _______ __________ ________ Total Cost $127,075 Total Cost $131,900 $ 840 3-year support $38,358 3-year support $30,240 3-year C.O.O $165,433 3-year C.O.O $162,140 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Selling Against the Competition Competitive Binder, 5091-6465E, 9301 Associated files: sunapx.doc Sun Microsystems Incorporated Appendix